Rum and Banana Custard Eclairs

There isn't much that you can do with choux pastry that beats a traditional eclair. This version aims to take it one step further with a crisp choux shell filled with a banana flavoured creme patisserie and topped with a rum and chocolate glaze.

The choux pastry puffed well, although were slightly 'dumpier' than intended. I should have perhaps used a piping nozzle with a smaller diameter to make the slender shells of the traditional french pastry. Either that or made them longer. The use of the star nozzle reduced the cracking and let them puff evenly. They are well dried out and taste great. It makes a change for my choux pastry to only require one attempt! The filling has a lovely banana flavour, although it is a horrendous colour as, despite the addition of the lemon juice, the banana oxidised immediately upon pureeing. In future I would then heat the banana with the custard to limit any further browning. It also means they must be demolished rather quickly else the flavour becomes tarnished. The topping is rich and the rum brings out the dark chocolate flavour well. They are a delicious adaptation to a chocolate eclair. 
