Grapefruit Tarts

I have been making my take on the classic key lime pie using grapefruit. It has a homemade digestive biscuit tart case, a grapefruit condensed milk custard filling, grapefruit segment topping and a quenelle of whipped cream decorated with grapefruit zest.

The biggest challenge in this bake was definitely the biscuit tart case. This is the first time I have attempted this beyond a cheesecake base and found it tricky to get it to compact enough to hold without crumbling. I think a little extra butter could have been needed, or finer biscuit crumbs. Much to my surprise, after baking it then filling it with the custard, it did hold well. The custard filling is smooth and has a lovely tang from the grapefruit, as does the fruit topping. The cream lightens the whole thing and combats any sourness. These aren't quite what I set out to bake when I wrote my recipe but I am very happy with the results. They are better than I had planned.
