Grape Pie Plate Cake

This is a cake flavoured with a little ground cardamom, lemon zest and lime zest, with the addition of seasonal red grapes. It is lovingly dusted with icing sugar.

I have seen a cake baked in a pie plate in one of my recipe books and thought it was quite a unique and quirky idea, giving it a bit of character. It does make for a fairly thin sponge but this cake doesn't need to be deep. The grapes cooked down to give out a lot of moisture which adds to the lightness of the cake and releases all the sweet juices from the fruit giving a lovely flavour. I have never baked with grapes before and I thought there ought to be a first time. I think the lemon and lime add a fresh citrus hint to the sponge and the cardamom a subtle spice which all marry with the grape flavour well. I think I might give grapes a go again!
