Plum and Blueberry Sponge Pudding

This is a simple pudding of a mixture of plums and blueberries cooked down with orange zest, baked with a sponge topping and dusted with icing sugar.

The fruit base is sweet and delicious, made fresh and light by the addition of the orange. The sponge is delicate and well risen, although could have done with a dash of vanilla to prevent it from tasting eggy. I didn't do a very good job of spreading the mixture over the fruit base so would perhaps add a little more cornflour to the fruit so it sets well and the topping can be added easily. It is the same difficulty as making a shepherd's pie where splodging sponge on one part displaces the fruit in another. But after some careful perseverance I managed to completely cover the top so the fruit didn't seep through. It did bubble up the sides however I would have been a little disappointed if it didn't as it makes it look homely and comforting.
