Pomegranate Jaffa Cakes

I was challenged after the first episode of The Great British Bake Off this series to make Jaffa cakes. So I rearranged my baking schedule and moved my recipe forward a month. Being me, I didn't make the classic orange snack but instead opted for a pomegranate jelly topping a whisked sponge and drenched in dark chocolate. 

I think these were mostly a success and would have been even better if my flat wasn't quite so warm, making it almost impossible for the chocolate to set. This led to my impatience resulting in the use of the fridge which did affect the shine on some of the chocolate. This wasn't my only challenge as my jelly started to warm up and become rather soft also. Despite this, I managed to make a lovely light sponge and a jelly with a deep pomegranate flavour due to the use of my new purchase, pomegranate molasses. The rich dark chocolate contrasts these wonderfully making for a delicious take on a Jaffa cake. By the last few I had also managed to judge the point at which I should mark the tops with a fork so they turned out looking perfect. In amongst all the mess and waiting I did learn a few lessons and also very much enjoyed the bake. It's just a shame I didn't have someone to clear up after me like on the Bake Off!
