Passionfruit and White Chocolate Mousse Eggs

I know it isn't quite Easter any more, but I had to do one last bake. These are some dark chocolate egg cups filled with a white chocolate mousse and passionfruit curd.

This bake was quite a challenge for me as I'm notoriously disastrous with chocolate. I had no idea of the best way to go about creating chocolate shells that would be the right shape, size and stability to support a mousse, nor how many attempts it would take. But, after clingfilming and dipping all the eggs I had (yes with the contents still inside), and precariously leaning them against all manner of things, I made something vaguely resembling an egg. Then the challenge was prising the real egg out...! It was, however, a suprising successs. I managed to fill them and once again leant them up against every day objects closest to hand. The mousse did not set quite as expected however it is creamy, sweet and rich, contrasting the dark chocolate wonderfully. There isn't really much else to say other than I am over the moon. One hurdle conquered.
