Lemon Meringue Chiffon Cake

It seems when one is 21 they are responsible enough to play with fire. I have been using my birthday present, a blowtorch, to create my take on a lemon meringue pie. This is a lemon chiffon cake soaked in lemon syrup, filled with lemon curd, coated in toasted swiss meringue and topped with candied lemon peel.

There were many challenges faced in this bake. The chiffon cake turned out light and full of air however there would have been, for once, enough mixture to fill a larger tin! So I did have to cut off a large dome from the top to create the final cake. The lemon flavour is strong through the cake, with the syrup and curd bringing it out wonderfully. It was the first time I have ever made swiss meringue and I have to say, I will be doing it again. It produced a fantastically stiff meringue, great for piping and decorating cakes. I definitely had fun with my blow torch once I eventually got it working and the results are fantastic. A worthwhile buy and an excellent baking day.


  1. This is my first visit to your blog. Brought about by the fantastic cake. Where would I go for the recipe tho? With thanks

  2. This is my first visit to your blog. Brought about by the fantastic cake. Where would I go for the recipe tho? With thanks

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog! Unfortunately I have not yet written my recipes up - that is the plan for once this year of uni is all finished..so watch this space...I will prioritise this one for you :D


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