Blackcurrant, White Chocolate and Stem Ginger Welsh Cakes

These are some ginger spiced welsh cakes filled with fresh blackcurrants, white chocolate chunks and stem ginger pieces and with the compulsory sugar dusting.

After writing the recipe for these I was a little worried about whether they would work. I knew that it would be difficult to incorporate the blackcurrants without ending up in a fruity purple mess. I managed to mitigate this by gentle pressing out of the dough and cutting them carefully. However, I then managed to almost ruin them in the cooking as I was experimenting with my new skillet pan and seemed to have the heat too hot so they are slightly charred on the underneath. However, ignoring this flavour, they are delicious with the sweet white chocolate, slightly tart fruit and fiery ginger. With proper cooking, they would be pretty good. I think next time I would possibly try either dried currants or less juicy fruit such as apple or pear pieces which would make it easier to roll out. 
