Christmas Baking.

Ok this isnā€™t strictly following my normal blogging, but Christmas is a time of baking so I am going all out making the most of the opportunity to contribute to the festive celebrations.

The best bake has to be the Frangipane Mince Pie (top left). It was similar to a Bakewell Tart but had an addition of mincemeat instead of jam and a perfect frangipane on top. It made a fantastic pudding for a meal with the grandparents. They loved it!

I made a Cheesecake for Christmas dinner pudding (top right) and some wholemeal pittas for tea (bottom left).

The Florentines (bottom right) were a great success and easy fun baking. They were a great after dinner treat.

I love Christmas time and will find as much time as I can to bake.
