Rhubarb Jam and St Clement's Doughnuts

You can never beat a good doughnut. The sweetness combined with the greasy fried taste make them absolutely delicious and it's hard to resist having more than one. They can be filled or topped with whatever you fancy, but I like these flavor combinations with the hint of cinnamon cutting through the fresh rhubarb flavour, and the tangy citrus contrasting the greasiness. Whatever you fill them with, I would say it's essential that these are cooked in a fryer, otherwise they're just not quite a proper doughnut.

Recipe - Makes 14

For the dough:

  • 500g strong white flour
  • 14g fast action yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 50g dairy-free margarine, cubed
  • 200ml dairy-free milk
  • 150ml water
  • Zest 1 lemon
  • Zest 1 orange

For the rhubarb jam doughnuts:

  • 200g rhubarb, peeled and chopped
  • 100g sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 100g caster sugar
For the St Clement's doughnuts:
  • 120g icing sugar
  • 2 tsp orange juice
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • Orange and lemon zest, to decorate

First, prepare the dough by putting the flour into a bowl and tipping the yeast to one side and the salt and sugar to the other. Add the margarine to the centre then the milk. Slowly pour in the water until the mixture comes together to a slightly sticky dough. Divide the dough into two equal pieces and add the lemon and orange zest to one of the pieces. Knead each of the pieces of dough on a worktop for 5-10 minutes until elastic and smooth. Place the doughs into bowls and cover with clingfilm or a tea towel. Leave to rise for 1-2 hours or until doubled and a finger pressed into the top leaves an indent.

Meanwhile, prepare the rhubarb jam by putting the rhubarb and sugar into a saucepan over a medium heat. Boil until the jam is thickened. Pour into a jar or dish and leave to cool before refrigerating until needed. 

Once the dough has risen, tip each out separately onto a lightly floured surface. Knock back by hitting it to push the air out then divide into 7 equal pieces (you should have 14 in total). For the rhubarb jam doughnuts, take each of the 7 pieces one at a time and press out into a round. Fold the edges into the middle, turn over and cup your hand over the top before spinning in a circle against the worktop several times so that the side of the dough with the folded in pieces becomes smooth. Place onto a lined baking tray and repeat with the other 6 pieces of the dough. For the St Clement's doughnuts, do the same as for the rhubarb jam doughnuts but once the ball is formed, use the handle of a flour dusted wooden spoon to poke a hole through the centre then use your fingers to gently widen the hole. 

Once all the dough pieces have been shaped, cover with a tea towel and leave to rise for 40 minutes or until a finger pressed into the side leaves an indent that fills slowly. Whilst proving, mix the caster sugar and cinnamon in a bowl and set aside for once the doughnuts are cooked. 

Preheat the fryer to 180C and, once proved, fry each doughnut for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Remove and drain on a piece of kitchen roll before rolling the rhubarb jam doughnuts in the cinnamon sugar and placing on a wire rack, or placing the St Clement's doughnuts directly on the rack. Leave to cool. 

Once cooled, take the sugar covered doughnuts and use a knife or cake skewer to make a hole in the centre for the jam. Spoon some of the jam into an icing syringe or piping bag and fill the doughnuts. For the St Clement's doughnuts, make the icing by mixing the icing sugar with enough orange and lemon juice to make it thick but slightly runny. Spread the icing on top of the ring doughnuts and zest over lemon and orange zest to decorate.
