Apricot Iced Buns

I'm not sure it can get much more basic when it comes to baking, but iced buns have to be one of the most delicious bakes. Adding some chopped dried apricots to a classic plain bun gives a little burst of extra sweetness in each bite.

Recipe - Makes 10

For the dough:

  • 350g strong white bread flour
  • 10g fast action dried yeast
  • 7g salt
  • 30g caster sugar
  • 25g butter, diced
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 100ml milk
  • 100ml water
  • 100g dried apricots, chopped
For the topping:
  • 200g icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp water
Make the dough by putting the flour in a large bowl and tipping the yeast to one side and the salt and sugar to the other. Add the butter to the centre, then the egg, milk and enough water to bring the mix to a soft and slightly sticky dough. Turn out onto a work surface and knead for 5-10 minutes to smooth and elastic. Place in a bowl, cover with clingfilm, and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour to doubled. 

Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and press out, then add the apricot pieces. Fold the dough into the centre and knead until incorporated well and the air is knocked out the dough. Divide into 10 even pieces and shape each to a ball. Roll out to a finger at least 10cm long and place the pieces of dough in two lines on a lined baking tray spaced about 2cm apart. 

Place the tray inside a large plastic bag and leave to rise in a warm place for 30 minutes, or until the dough springs back slowly when pressed. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220C. Bake for 10 minutes, or until browned. Remove and leave to cool. 

Mix the icing sugar and water in a bowl to a spreadable but not runny icing forms. Dip each bun in the icing one at a time, and smooth over. Leave to set.
